The clinicians here at AOBHC work closely with teachers and parents to decrease a child's symptom of anxiety/depression, and improve peer relations, academic performance, and classroom rule-following and relationships with adults. As children practice specific skills learned in therapy, they can benefit from systems that encourage positive behavior by using a “Daily Report Card” (DRC). The DRC helps pinpoint specific goals toward which the child should be working, give kids feedback on how they’re doing, and reward them for meeting those goals successfully.
Therapist, parents, teachers, and the child (depending on their age) work together on the DRC. Together, they choose goals based on the behaviors that present the biggest challenges for the child. Goals might involve exposure and response prevention (ERP) tasks (e.g., brave acts), academic work (finishing tasks), behavior towards peers (reducing teasing or fighting) and adherence to classroom rules (not interrupting, staying in his seat, following instructions). The teacher rates the child’s performance each day on each goal. He/she gets a star or a check for each positive behavior, and if he/she gets enough during the day, there is a prize for him/her when he/she gets home—coveted screen time or some other small reward. This kind of system can be very helpful, especially for children from preschool to 12 years of age.
invest in a calmer future with treatments that work
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